
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the chief elected/appointed body of the Association. The Board represents the shelter industry and holds ownership of the Association for its members. The Board is the guardian of the assets of the Association and the policy setting body of the Association.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the leadership ladder of the HBAR Board of Directors. They are the policy and steering committee of the Association on all matters of policy and public statement, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Sales & Marketing Council

The Sales and Marketing Council meets the third Thursday of every month at 10:00 AM (excluding July) has a mission to increase professionalism in the marketing and sales of new homes. SMC members are builders, sales managers and salespeople, marketing directors and researchers, Realtors®, architects and designers, leasing agents, media representatives and advertising consultants. Benefits include education and training and the Local Awards program in addition to New Home Socials.